PVRA Repeater Club

P.O. Box 903
Manchester, CT 06045-0903

Next Meeting:

    Thursday Sept. 19, 2024
    Meeting:  7:00 PM
    Place: Marcus Communications

Food at 6:00 meeting starts at 7:00
Donation $7.00

Directions to Marcus Communications

Note:  Meeting is on Thursday!

Hartford Marathon Oct. 19th

The PVRA is again looking for Ham Radio operators, and others to help support the Hartford Marathon on Saturday October 19.

There are a few specialized tasks, but most of the operators just need to man spots on the course, report runner status, report runners that need SAG pick-up, and report any needs at the station.

We also need SAG vehicle Drivers, and a bicycle tail for each the half marathon and the full marathon.  We also need an interface to the announce station at Bushnell park, basically running a net to gather runner progress, and report that progress to the announcer.

Contact Bill Storey,  AB1LZ (wtstorey@aol.com) if you would like to help out.

PVRA Elections June 2024

     President:  Bruce Marcus, N1XG
     Vice President  Mark Shekleton, N1SAT
     Exec Vice President:  Dana Underhill, KB1AEV
     Treasurer:  Dave Plis, WA1OUH
     Membership Director:  Don Paolucci AC1V
     Director at Large:  RJ Siska, KB1RJS

PVRA Membership 2024


PVRA has kept the dues stable for approximately the last 10 years.  Due to the current inflation pressure our income is not keeping up with our expenses. Therefore, at the last meeting a vote was taken to reluctantly increase the dues going forward.

The membership dues will be:   $60.00 for a regular membership, $50.00 for retirees, and $20.00 for under 18.

Your dues support over 15 reliable repeaters including IRLP & Echolink.

The linked repeaters provide continuous coverage on I-84 from the New York border to the Massachusetts border.

PVRA is at the leading edge of Digital Voice with D-STAR and DMR repeaters with more DMR repeaters planned.

Memberships renew April 1st.  You will receive a bill in late February.

You can renew on-line or by Mail.

As a reminder, the repeaters and networks provided by the PVRA are made available to all ham radio operators free of charge, but the cost of upkeep and maintenance is significant. We encourage anyone who enjoys using our systems to consider joining the PVRA. Your membership dues directly support the continued operation and improvement of our repeaters, ensuring we can maintain the highest quality service for the ham community across southern New England.

To join, or for more information, please visit our website Join PVRA.net or contact a club representative. Your support is greatly appreciated!

NOTE:  DMR Change!

Due to circumstances beyond our control the PVRA talk group has been changed from 310991 to 31093 on the brandmeister connected DMR repeaters. You will need to update your code plugs.

View from Box Mountain

Camera mounted on tower at 100' level.
Solar panels coming soon!

 HartfordSoon to be solar panelsSoon to be solar panels

PVRA Brandmeister DMR Repeater Added in Avon

W1HDN  442.050+    DMR code CC1

EchoIRLP added to 146.79  

Now 145.41 & 146.79 both have EchoIRLP nodes

Freq IRLP Node # EchoLink Node #
146.79 4159 146790   W1HDN-R
145.41 4198 832940   W1HDN-L

 The access codes are the same for both systems.

New:  PVRA  DMR Repeaters!!

Torrington      441.550+    DMR code CC1
Vernon           443.950+    DMR code CC1

DMR Info Click Here>

Important Bill for Radio Amateurs - PASSED!

State Senator Tony Guglielmo introduced a bill about Hams having the legal right to use our mobile HAM radios while driving in CT. As it was, there was no clear ruling and police departments could more or less enforce as they see fit based on the cell phone regulations - hams could be included in these regulations and be cited.

The bill was signed into law by the governor on May 31, 2012 and now excludes amateur radio licensees.


Connecticut General Assembly Bill Info

Just a suggestion, we should always carry a license or copy with us in the vehicle. A lot of hard work went into this by a lot of people. Many thanks to Senator Guglielmo, his staff, Bruce Marcus N1XG and his staff, Steve Dube KA1RLA and all other folks we don't know about who were involved.   


Due to pressure from the Fed's the law was subsequently revised to read "only in case of emergencies".
More info click here.

Halloween Snow Storm Alfred

Notice that during the recent storm, when power was out for much of the state and cell phone coverage was spotty or non-existent, the PVRA repeater system worked as expected.

PVRA is fortunate to have our repeaters located at top quality sites with battery and generator backup. Box Mountain is the home of 146.79 &145.41 repeaters and it is the hub for the linked repeaters and the DSTAR system. The cost for propane just for Box Mountain was about $3000 both for storm Alfred and storm Irene. While our landlord (Marcus Communcations), does not charge PVRA for these costs, we must still maintain our equipment.

Help ensure that PVRA repeaters will be continue to be top quality. Join PVRA and ask your friends to join. Donations are gratefully accepted.

Repeater News:
The Warwick, RI PVRA Repeater at 147.045 has been updated to a D-STAR Repeater using the call W1HDN

PVRA Gets YOU on the Air!!!
Program for new Hams

PVRA will Loan a VHF or UHF mobile transceiver to members that are new Hams. If you are a new Ham that has not been on the air yet due to lack of equipment, PVRA will have some surplus mobile radios available to be loaned out. All that will be needed is an antenna.

Digital Amateur Radio available at PVRA Vernon Site

The D-STAR Digital Voice Radio system is now supported at the PVRA Box Mountain site in Vernon.

The NEW Naugatuck Valley Repeater is up and running.

Due to problems with the former Naugatuck repeater site, the repeater was shut down and removed last month. The repeater has found a new home in Prospect with a similar coverage pattern. Unlike the old site, the new site is easily accessible for maintenance. So once again 147.18 is back on the Western Connecticut link with Torrington, Danbury, and Vernon.

PVRA now provides APRS capability.

The Vernon & Torrington Sites now have Packet Digipeaters on 144.39 MHz that will relay APRS information to the internet:


Northern Connecticut Weather Net

Spring/Summer Schedule: Will meet weekly Thursdays on the Vernon 146.79 repeater - offset PL 82.5 , except for Second Thursday when Net will be on the alternate repeater: Soapstone 147.00 + offset, PL 127.3

more info

New Repeater UP! PVRA has installed a new repeater in West Warwick, RI on 147.045, PL 141.3

Torrington Link is UP!

Naugatuck, Torrington and Vernon 145.41 are Linked!!!          

New Linking Capabilities Coming!

The Club will be using 900 Mhz equipment to provide the capability to link all of the repeater sites in various configurations. A temporary 440Mhz link has been added to the Naugatuck 147.18, Vernon 145.41 repeaters and the Torrington site will be available for the nightly net and at various times during the day.

More info...

New Club Call!


The new call will be used on all PVRA repeaters.
W1HDN stands for: Homeland Defense Network

PVRA is the Amateur Auxiliary of the Homeland Defense Network

The Club is using IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project) to link our repeaters with other repeaters throughout the world.

Status: PVRA IRLP node 4159 is up and running on 146.79 and is available to all members.

Mailing List

If you would like to be added to our mailing list Click Here . You will be notified about club meetings and activities. You do not have to be a member, you just need an interest in ham radio.

A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

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This page was last updated on 10/11/2024